A sustainable Haninge

A sustainable Haninge

The climate is the key issue of our time. Haninge is growing. It has the opportunity to grow sustainably and set an example in climate action and environmental stewardship. We want to make Haninge one of the first fossil-free municipalities in Sweden.

Many of Haninge's residents have already started to make conscious choices to live climate-smart lives, for a sustainable Haninge and a sustainable world. Policy must take responsibility and lead the way towards and present the opportunities offered by a sustainable society. The Swedish Green Party's policies are centred on making it easy to do the right thing. We want to create a future to look forward to!

All development begins with the individual's conviction and commitment.

Considerate and dedicated people change the world. You make a difference!

Climate and the environment

Haninge is growing. It has the opportunity to grow sustainably and set an example in climate action and environmental stewardship. We want to make Haninge one of the first fossil-free municipalities in Sweden.

And we don't want to wait. The Swedish Green Party Haninge prioritises the environment and climate. Here and now.

Among other things, the Swedish Green Party in Haninge wants to:

  1. Invest heavily in EV charging columns
  2. Install more solar panels on roofs
  3. Work towards sustainable road and rail transport in the Södertörn region
  4. Reduce the negative impact of plastic
  5. Reduce food waste

Sustainable community development

It should be easy to live sustainably in Haninge. We want to create better opportunities for sustainable transport, including developing Haninge into one of Sweden's leading cycling municipalities. Of course, natural areas shall be preserved. We also want to facilitate the use of public transport or bicycles.

Among other things, the Swedish Green Party in Haninge wants to:

1. Make Haninge a leading cycling municipality with more cycle paths, cycle crossings, hire cycles and improved signage

2. Increase the proportion of wood-frame buildings in the municipality

  1. Build densely, primarily in the vicinity of commuter train stations
  2. Increase the number of park-and-ride facilities where an SL ticket allows free parking
  3. Create more open wi-fi zones and extend broadband coverage


All schools in Haninge shall be good schools. Students are entitled to have the opportunity to develop based on their own circumstances and be given influence over their schooling. Different students learn in different ways and need different types of support. No pupils should have to suffer psychological illness.

Among other things, the Swedish Green Party in Haninge wants to:

  1. Invest in pupil health
  2. Give teachers the right to arrange extra support for pupils who need it
  3. Reduce teachers' administrative burden

4. Increase the ratio of adults to children in pre-schools and schools

  1. Entitle full-time attendance in pre-school regardless of parental circumstances

Culture and leisure

All children shall have access to stimulating leisure activities regardless of where in Haninge they live or the economic circumstances of their family. So we are investing in the future for increased participation, equitable public health and building a socially sustainable Haninge.

Among other things, the Swedish Green Party in Haninge wants to:

  1. Make Haninge the most gender-equal sports municipality in Sweden
  2. Give all children the opportunity to

participate in cultural activities through, for example, fee reductions at the culture school

  1. Establish community centres in several sub-municipal districts
  2. Extend the opening hours

of libraries and youth recreation centres

  1. Implement more outdoor initiatives in Haninge's natural areas

The elderly

Our elderly are repositories of knowledge and experience which Haninge needs to make better use of. We want to encourage more cross-generation meetings and discussions in our municipality. Our elderly shall be given opportunities to participate and continue developing so that their quality of life can increase with age.

Among other things, the Swedish Green Party in Haninge wants to:

  1. Build housing adapted for various ages in each area
  2. Offer native-language care for the elderly
  3. Make the best use of elderly people's experience through, e.g., meetings across generational boundaries and mentoring initiatives
  4. Offer gym discounts to over 70s
  5. Work towards increasing collaboration between municipality operations which foster meetings between the elderly and younger people

Jobs and the business sector

Haninge needs more entrepreneurs and companies. We therefore want to simplify the step to employment for those who are studying or having difficulty entering the labour market. With our policies, we generate new, green jobs and export opportunities for Swedish companies. We want Haninge to be at the forefront of the global transition to a sustainable society.

Among other things, the Swedish Green Party in Haninge wants to:

  1. Invest in local tourism
  2. Offer summer jobs to all of Haninge's youth
  3. Invest in entrepreneurship among newly arrived women
  4. Allow all third graders in upper secondary school to take part in an extracurricular, municipally-funded job seeker's course
  5. Work towards more tailored vocational training with traineeships and apprenticeships

Equal rights

People's opportunities to live their lives must not be limited because of, for example, their ethnic origin, sex or gender identity. Society must be able to offer support and redress to those suffering from discrimination.

Differences are enriching, and diversity, equity and gender equality are the foundations of a just society. Refugees who come to Haninge must be welcomed with opportunities.

Among other things, the Swedish Green Party in Haninge wants to:

  1. Make municipal facilities and events available for everyone
  2. Invest in an anti-discrimination agency where those who consider themselves discriminated against can receive help and support
  3. The municipality as an employer must lead the way and offer equal pay
  4. Extend support to individuals subject to honour-related culture and violence in close relationships
  5. Support associations and other bodies that drive social projects which increase community spirit and safety


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